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How do i make a NPC able to trade?


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This is funny i don't know how to make the NPC able to trade with me or choose what items the NPC can sell. Please help :blush:

Their merchant flags are controlled by their class. Their selling inventory consists of anything they're marked to sell, have in their inventory, have in an owned chest within the same cell (interior cells only), that they aren't currently using. For them to be available to have a shop, the NPC needs a package with "offers services" checked. If they have a linked container, anything you sell to them goes into the container, if they don't have a linked container, anything you sell goes into their normal inventory.

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Read this page. If you can't figure it out I can explain it as well but I'm not using the computer with Oblivion installed on it at the moment.


edit: I was typing it step by step and then got stuck because I didn't have the CS. So I removed the whole thing and just gave a link. But it seems Vagrant0 posted a reply while I was doing so :D

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