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Hey All,


I have been making a mod for fallout 4 since november (Settlement raiding mod) using FO4Edit, Bascially what this mod does is forces settlement raids through the use of the console and bat files (will be made more immersive once Creation Kit comes out).


As I have been improving/updating the mod I have run into a problem with the NPC's package, what I am trying to achieve is, as soon as the NPC's spawn in the world, I want them to instantly run with weapon drawn towards the player.


Currently I am testing a modified DogmeatIntroSceneFollowPlayerPackage but the problem is, if the NPCs are over a certain distance to the player they will be instantly teleported next to the player (just like a companion), I want the NPCs to be quite far away from the settlement and the player so I cannot just move them closer.


So my questions are:


A. is there a better package I can give NPCs that will do the same job but not allow them to fast travel? (I have tested over 30 packages)

B. Is there a keyword I can give the NPCs that will not allow them to fast travel?

C. is there a setting I can edit to increase the distance required before the NPCs fast travel?


An answer to any of the questions should solve the problems so any help would be appreciated.


Many thanks, Faceless

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Forgot to mention abit of addition info, i have currently made another package that sort of works but not completely.


basically I have use the travel package template and set the 'Location' as the player I.D. However, the NPCs must be able to navigate to the player completely otherwise is doesn't work, so if the player is on a roof then the NPCs cannot navigate there so the packages does not run, also as this package works out where the player is standing (location) and not the player himself, when the player moves the package stops and so do the NPCs, it then waits for the player to stand still again, then recalculates the route to the player and the package starts again so the NPCs move again.


what I need is a package that targets the player not the players location otherwise I keep running into this problem


hope this addition info helps.

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The first thing that came into my mind is couries in Skyrim, that always run to the player. They use package based on ForceGreet template, so if you have Skyrim just check it. Or find packages using ForceGreet in FO4 if don't.

Perhaps FollowTo template would be better in your case, I don't know.

Edited by zilav
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ok ive done some testing,


I started off by building a reference info on Fallout4.ESM to see what packages use the Forcegreet template, I then looked for ones that didn't have too many conditions and had no quest relations. I settled on Followersforcegreetpackage as it was one of the only ones that met the criteria, I then edited out all the conditions and set my preferences: Run, weapon drawn, allow swimming etc.


I then gave the package to a bunch of test NPCs and ran the test in Sanctuary. they are set to spawn the opposite side of the bridge, behind the statue of the minute men. I then went to the center of the settlement and ran the test batch file, immediately upon spawning they draw their weapons and headed straight for me, I ran around a bit and they didn't stop running which is perfect. I then tested it again with my player being on a house roof and same happened again, draw weapons and run across the bridge and towards my player, perfect. I then went to the opposite side of the settlement (furthest away from the bridge) and tried again, but this time they fast travelled too me, upon inspection I realized that part of the map the had to run through was not loaded, so as soon as they ran through that part they disappear and reappeared right next to me.


This has been a HUGE improvement to the package as nearly all the kinks have been worked out, the only remaining problem is not the package itself (I believe), its due to them having to move through unloaded cells. maybe there Is something I can adjust, maybe its just a game engine limitation. either way the new package is MUCH better! so thank you very much for your help!


if you think of anything else please don't hesitate to let me know, I know you are busy with FO4Edit so don't worry if you cant, and please keep up the good work!


many thanks



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I believe it is a game engine limitation. There are "Sandbox While Waiting?" and "Allow Wandering?" params, maybe they can be forced to switch into sandbox mode before player gets close, also while lowering "Forcegreet Distance (NPC must get within this radius to Greet)" value. I never modded packages unfortunately.


There is ForceGreetPatrolGuardArea package template with "Forcegreet Distance (NPC must get within this radius to Greet)" param, maybe they can just stand there before player gets close into "Trigger Radius (Player within this radius causes ForceGreet)" range param.

Edited by zilav
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just been testing that package but ran into the same problem, it is caused by the NPCs going into an unloaded cell, its no massive drama, I have simply moved the spawn points a little closer in and made sure no one is going to go running through an unloaded cell. It does take away a little from the mod, seeing the enemy raiders coming for your settlement at a distance was cool and all but I suppose with an engine like this being so dated, compromises have to be made.


thanks again for your help and your efforts on FO4Edit, without your work my mod would not even exist.

Edited by markprice4675
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