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Immersive First Person mod broke my Third Person view


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  • 7 months later...

I have the same problem as this and I currently have uninstalled everything. The mods, the game, and deleted all of my saves. I aswell have deleted both ini to make it go back to vanilla and have reinstalled saved then uninstalled in third person and the problem is still there. The anger within is palpable. I'm in utter disbelief and halfway through this sentence my pc crashes. I honestly feel like never playing skyrim again because of this. But this is my last resort. If you came into my room and made me even just tad bit more angry I might actually kill someone. No joke. I feel like taking my 800 dollar computer and turning into a dollar. Please help before I release my unrelenting force on someone because i've been dealing with this for 3 days now. I just want to play some skyrim. I've deleted saves i've had since the game came out(eighth grade). Please i am begging you spare me someone with the information i need. If anything i'll download the mod again and deal with its annoying head movement just to be able to look at my character once in awhile. I really don't want to do that. I hate this mod. I hate the creator. Just please someone help me. Please. Please. God Please. I just want to play skyrim. God help me.

Edited by IrishOnTop
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Found the problem. I went to bed last night with the fury of a god awoke with a clear head, ready to continue my quest to figure this out. I went through my game files and found in the data/skse/plugins firstperson.dll deleted that and my issue was fixed.

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