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Saveing Problem with CS


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When i try save a mod in CS it works allright. But if i exit and then start CS again and try to overwrite the old save it says that i can't save on the same file as before. So then i try to save again but create another file isntead of overwrite it but i can't get up the save window cus when i try it says again that i can't save on the same file :dry: what am i gonna do? Do u have to make a new file for ever save? That sounds stupid.
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2 things:


1. Under file - tools is "resave with new ID's" which never works when you start up the game, but it brings up the save window (just forget about that though, it always makes the file invalid for some reason or another.)


2. To save over a mod, you have to set it as the active file in the file - data window. Don't bother to enable oblivion.esm, it will enable automatically when you load your mod as the active file.

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