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Bug with Khajiit Caravans in Markarth


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There's a minor issue I came across, it's not gamebreaking but still unpleasant. Here it is:



They don't setup camp here but I still can normally trade and they travel alright. I suspect because of campfire object interfering. I also suspect that this object came from Frostfall Hypothermia mod which I safely removed without any issues since there was no sense in sticking with it any longer. I actually spotted this bug while Frostfall was still active (I started my playthrough with it on). I was trying to remove this object with MarkForDelete > Disable commands, but none are working.


Did anyone had the same bug? Is it really object intereferece or other means which doesn't let them to setup camp? How can I possibly deal with this, in hope I can somehow... Any tips would be appreciated.

Edited by Signette
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  • 1 year later...

I have the same issue. But, In my case they are stuck there (this is east of Markarth) and wont travel to Whiterun. I can trade but they just stay there with no tents around and never leave. I am not sure about the other caravans but I know I never saw them yet and I have traveled several times to every major cities.


I searched a lot and still never found any help on how to get them to resume. I tried recycleactor on every Khajiit but it just set them naked and they eventually get their clothes back.


Also, I haven't started any Khajiit quest yet.


I don't know if this is caused by a mod. I don't think that any of my mods would influence caravans behavior.


I hope someone can help me with that.


Should I post the list of my mods?

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same bug. Only for curiosity; do you have the Unofficial Patch installed? It happened to me just after installing it; but the caravan that was this way was that of Riften. It's just a minor bug in the patch.

And speaking of patch bugs, does anyone have a bug that lowers speechcraft ability? I have noticed it after making the lighthouse in Winterhold. Without the patch increases speechcraft 10% by a bug of the game's version of the game; But if you install the patch and then remove it, the purchase prices start to increase and the sale price to descend, even paying to buy objects that sell.
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I have the same bug. Only for curiosity; do you have the Unofficial Patch installed? It happened to me just after installing it; but the caravan that was this way was that of Riften. It's just a minor bug in the patch.

And speaking of patch bugs, does anyone have a bug that lowers speechcraft ability? I have noticed it after making the lighthouse in Winterhold. Without the patch increases speechcraft 10% by a bug of the game's version of the game; But if you install the patch and then remove it, the purchase prices start to increase and the sale price to descend, even paying to buy objects that sell.


I am playing Special Edition with the Unofficial Patch installed. I will try disabling it to see.

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