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I need help, NMM for Fallout 4 wont install texture mods.


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I'm having difficulty getting texture mods to install using NMM for Fallout 4, I can install them manually if I drop them into the corresponding folders but if I go through NMM the mod seems to install like it does normally but when I start up the game there is no change.

When I go to the plugins list the texture mod I installed isn't listed.

I've tried this with multiple texture based mods (Touch of Green, Sky retextures, FTO) none seem to work.

Other mods that aren't texture based appear on the plugin list normally and work in game.

Is there a fix for this? I tried running as administrator, and reinstalling NMM but nothing seems to work.

I'm running Windows 8.1, if that helps.

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Well if you're just replacing textures, there's nothing that needs to be added via an .esp file (plugin).

So the reason the textures aren't showing up in the plugins list is because they aren't part of a plugin, they're just replacing vanilla textures.


Reason behind why you see no texture change in-game... hmm..

Are you sure your .ini files are set up correctly?

Maybe put them in a pastebin & link them here so I can see exactly what they look like..

in case you're missing something that isn't registering your installed retextures.

Edited by highhthere
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