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Castle Volkihar


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So, I've been playing through the Dawnguard DLC again, and after exiting the Soul Cairn, I stepped out on the Balcony outside of Valerica's lab and looked out over Skyrim. I thought this was a great view, and I was thinking how nice it would be if I could rebuild Volkihar to be my home after the quest line, and I could stand out here with my wife. So I spent the next hour looking as much as I could for a mod that allows you to do that, and I found four of them. However, my problem with those is, every single one of them requires you to associate the castle with a Guild of some sort, or only allows you to own it when you are a vampire.
What I was looking for was a mod that would rebuild and cleanup the castle, but it would just be an unaffiliated player home. Just somewhere that I could bring my family, and maybe hire some followers to be guards/court members to wander around the castle. I mainly wanted it as a headquarters where I could gather several followers and form my own Dragonborn cult, The Children of Akatosh, to combat the influence of Miraak's cult.
But I just want to know if this would be possible for someone to make, or at least tell me how difficult it would be to make? 'Cause at the very least I would like to pick one of the already existing mods that sounds the closest to what I want, and contact that mod author and see if they'd be interested in making an alternate version. Lol

But yeah, thanks to anyone who takes the time to comment on this. :P

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Arthmoor's mod cleans it and Castle Volkihar Redux does basically everything else you want, kinda. If you want CVR get it off steam because it's newer than the MoDB one. As always, don't use them together obviously.

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