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Wider Coverage Perk Trees.


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For example in the one-handed tree your character tends to specialize between blades, axes, and maces. Different perks such as "bone breaker" and "hack and slash" allow you to improve your skills with one type of weapon. This is completely fine and realistic but after a few play throughs I'd like my character to be a bit more powerful (especially since all I do now is add mods that make the game more difficult) without being too op.


In short this concept could be applied to other perk trees as well but I would like to have "hack and slash" and "bone breaker" also apply to swords/daggers.



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Have you checked out SPERG? I've been using it for years now (on and off), and so far it's one of my favorite perk tree mods. There's also Skryrim Redone which pretty much completely overhauls the game. SPERG is completely compatible with pretty much any mod I've run with it so far other than other perk tree mods, but Skyrim Redone has a much wider (though not quite as unique) changes to the perk trees, but you'd have to install compatibility patches for any custom armors, spells, or weapons you have installed, otherwise the game will be unbalanced. There's also some other perk tree mods I've heard of called Perkus Maximus, and I believe there was one more, but I've never plated with those mods so I wouldn't have any advice there. Hope this helps! Edited by nag5396
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