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A weather mod that's beyond my skill, but would be amazing with Frostfall


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So if anyone hangs out in the subreddit Skyrimmods, you'll find a thread about an idea for a weather mod called Aether Storms. They were loosely inspired by Rad storms in Fallout 4. But these are slightly different and while the initial idea sounded interesting, a lot of other people chimed in for some really sweet ideas.


Original idea:


A weather condition in Winterhold where a thick purple fog that basically ruined visibility settles around the area and a very slight magick damage occurs such as shock, fire, or frost. There would even be a slight chance of the dead spawning in this thick purple fog.


Then there was amendments to the idea:


Instead of physical damage so that NPCs and the player doesn't just drop dead outright, everyone's stamina is drained making it hard to fight, maybe even gimping skills while the storm is in effect.


While stamina gets drained, all magicks are made unstable and thus are potentially more powerful in magnitude and duration while the storm is in effect. But there's a potential for magicks to fail or backfire.


Suggestions of a radiant quest along side the mage quests to gain spells or abilities or a shout to control this kind of weather. Maybe to stop the weather from happening or allowing the weather to spread all around Skyrim.


Maybe if it's raining during the purple fog setting in, electrical damage is significantly buffed for player and NPCs. Maybe if it's snowing while the purple fog is coming in, then frost damage is way buffed. Maybe if the fog settles in during the day without snow or rain, then fire damage is buffed. Maybe at night time this gives conjuration magick and vampires a significant buff. Who knows?


Some people found some lore that could work for such a weather being a thing. Sky Shards, which one can find in ESO.


I'd love to make this myself, but I have no idea where to begin and as someone who has just pedestrian knowledge of the CK and having ZERO knowledge of scripting, the idea is simply beyond my abilities.


If there's any brave modder who wants to take on the idea, it seems to have garnered a lot of enthusiastic support, so maybe finding collaborators for assets or scripting or whatnot wouldn't be too difficult to find. I dunno.


But certainly, if anyone wants to try to make this. I know I and many others would absolutely appreciate it.


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