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Reverting Camera Displacement


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"except for situations with heavy lags" > this is strange: lags or not, an handler should be called in the moment the "knockout" event occur (just before the game set the knockout event). Surely, the event is fired after the OnHealthDamage, but I wonder if the game has a chance to register the Player "death" (death by knockout, which mess up the camera anyway) before firing the OnKnockout event. After all, scripts all run in a single thread, so the order of the calls should stay consistent in every run, no matter the FPS. Very odd...


Anyway, Oblivion Reloaded fixes the camera bug.

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I was wrong about the problem and it seems about the lags too.

It appears that in First Person knockout event does not occur at all. That is probably what I've taken for the lags interfering the event. I was testing it mostly in TP to easily highlight player in console.

So now in third person everything is working fine, but in FP camera just slowly lies to the ground and nothing at all happens. Not even getting up from unconsciousness. And only when I roll the mouse wheel, the death anim plays and the knockout script starts.

Of cource, the normal damage recieving can be easily handled via OnHealthDamage in any camera mode, but catching the "kill" command in first person is still an opened question.

Edited by ProgMath2
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I made some tests: normally the camera is automatically switched to first person (and knockout event/timer runs) if the Player dies, but it seems OR prevent this, when CameraMode is disabled.

With CameraMode enabled everything is normal (and the camera doesn't drop at player's feet).

Edited by forli
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Personally, I don't use OR respecting the advanced age of my computer. I knew about that feature (my friend Google told me), but was too lazy to analyze such a global thing. I'll start now.

I don't think that it can be called a bug when it works like in Vanilla, especially when when they say straightly: "It's fixed only with the Camera Mode on". But I appreciate your effort.

On the other hand, if they'll do something plagiarizable, it would be very nice.

Edited by ProgMath2
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You can use OR with any PC. The effects impact the performances, but the shaders override don't (or the impact is barely noticeable). Just disable the heavier effects (or all them) to run the mod on an older PC.

I have an hold PC too and OR runs without problems, and without loss.


OR comes with a frame rate manager, which is much more advanced and effective than Streamline and similar mods, because OR directly manage it in the game code, and bring support for RamDisk, to eliminate (or greatly reduce) stutters caused by LOD files.

Finally it comes with many little optimizations and fixes like the camera bug,


Yeah, I removed the part "camera drop on feet", as Alenet clearly state it's only for CameraMode.

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Isn't that "Camera Mode" a state of using third person animations in first person? When torch is waving in the damn middle of monitor? I trided it and I didn't liked it. I'll think about using the mod for graphics though.


Anyway, I've made a mod that suits me. It combines all that I was mentioning with addition of forcing third person in vanilla cases of player.kill. So now the only bad case is non-vanilla kill in FP, and it will only make a little inconviniency of save-load to fix the camera. A shame that we could not find a universal solution, but my variant will do for me.

Thanks, DrakeTheDragon, lubronbrons, forli.

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You'd be surprised (or not) how many less-than-perfect solutions with up to today still open holes and flaws there are even inside the Vanilla game code. Sometimes an as-close-as-you-can-get approximation to your perfect idea of a solution will be all there is to get really. :thumbsup:

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