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Suggestion for the sites


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If you are tracking a mod and that mod is turned "hidden"/"locked" what ever you call it, then you can't un-track that mod. What I'd suggest you guys add the un-track button to the hidden mod message page, if you have it in your tracker. That way you're able to stop following a mod that's been hidden.


Ex. I'm tracking a mod in Fallout 4 called "Detecting Lenses" found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4138/?


It's been hidden with the following message:


There is better detecting mod than mine; http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4380/?
<br /><br /><br />Thank you everyone for endorsing and supporting my mod.


So you can tell it's never going to come back, and that's why I think it'd be nice to have the ability to un-track hidden mods which you have in your tracker!

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Oh, but you should be able to remove tracked files from your tracking list even without accessing their file pages.


Just go to your User Area on the file sites, then into your Tracking Center, and there you'll find a button "Manage Tracked Files" on the top right.


This should give you a list of your tracked files with buttons to "delete" them from your tracking list.


If the hidden/deleted mods don't show up on there anymore either, that would sound like an issue and should be reported to the bug tracker perhaps.



edit: Ninja'd by Oubliette. :ninja:

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