Patbutt Posted January 14, 2016 Share Posted January 14, 2016 Hello fellow Nexus users. I'm looking for a mod for Skyrim that allows for multiple armor and clothing replacers to be installed at the same time, yet giving the ability for the user to change which replacer to use for any NPC or the PC at will. I am a simple man, and I ask for this simple thing. The reasoning I have for such a mod to be created is so that I can choose which NPCs in my play-through of Skyrim have certain body replacers.I am one to appreciate well-endowed women as much as the next womanizer, but seeing such things on an elderly woman may seem a bit odd. I'm not one to judge; to each his own, as they say. I was scouring all over the Nexus forums and on Google, but only happened to find a mod like this for body replacers:[Adult content; NSFW] I'm not a modder, which I might have made clear since I'm posting this on a Mod request forum. I am aware that one can simply edit an NPC to give them special body replacers, but I wouldn't know how to do that. That's simply beyond my level of modification understandings.If anybody could help me out in any way, like with a link to a similar mod, that would be fantastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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