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Cavern of the Incarnate Cut Scence problem


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When I take the ring of the incarnate in the cavern of the incarnate, I heard that a cut scene is supposed to play. But, for me, my journal is updated and the ghosts appear, without any cut scene. The journal tells me what happened in the cut scene, but I never actually see he cut scene. Is there a console command I can type to show me the cut scene, or maybe some other editing thig I can do to fix this? Is this a common problem and Is there any solution that works?


Thank you very much for your time :) Happy thanksgiving ;)

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PlayBink MW_Cavern.bik, R


...This could be just a simple malfunction or a problem pointing to an error in reading the Videos directory on your Morrowind CD. To be safe, copy the Videos directory from the CD to your "Data Files" directory.


...And for all you Brits, happy Gay Fox Day... Have fun burning an effigy of a homosexual mammal.

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