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German Nazi invasion


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Intriguing topic we have here.... I've made some collage mod in the past (all the rights to the parts owners) that made the NCR look like a People's Republic and the Legion look like Nazis.

I've to say it was really fun to see those two factions fight eachothers, the communist against the fascist. I've to start to say that making mods for free is really a good socialist thing, share files for free with others for the common fun is always good if it don't aim to insult someone.


In this case the only men insulted would be the neo-nazis and i feel they won't come here to say no :P


Happy to have read Kastergir experience also if he made me grow some new suspect towards the today Germany.


About the mod, i would like to see the BOS heavy replaced by the nazi and then build up a communist/socialist militia/regular army for the Minutemen to make them fight eachother.


I mean yes, we have the lore , but the mods give you infinite way to use this wonderful game.


When i made the mods i've written:"The New Communist Republic born from Vault 15 survivors that have met some Soviet Vanguard after they have started to expand their territories of influences. From those soviet vanguard they learned that URSS have survived better then other countries to the nuclear winter and they are sending commissars all around the world to create contacts. During the years some diplomats from URSS bringed the COmmunist ideology to the Vault 15 people's and gifts as old weapons schematics and symbols to be adopted. The Vault 15 people's became during years a fierce supporter of Communist cause and they start to expand under various Presidents and Chairmans elected by direct elections.The NCR keep expanding and building industries with the soviet support until today, in the year the game take places. The NCR prohibit discrimanation due gender, race or religious believes and his economy is controlled by the State."


It fit well with NCR, but at the same time it would be difficult to see inside a fallout game. Into a game where a tribe of psycho killers try to look like Roman Legions everything is possible! Why can't the soviet ( largest country in the world) have survived in some parts to the bombs and made a new state?

Why can't the BOS have seen some documentaries of WW2 Nazi era an think that they are superior to the others and adopt something similar to that ideology?


YOu have just to write a good story ;)

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There are more words in this thread than in my study material. Similar to my study material, I also didn't read most of this thread. I think it can be summed up like this:


First Post: "Lots of Nazi mods are coming up (3 I can list) and that makes others uncomfortable, but I also want to be edgy, so I won't express this view directly. Is anyone else uncomfortable about these mods? I want to make a mod showing people how not uncomfortable I am and that they shouldn't be either"


Then there's 2 types of responses:


- "Freedom of expression is good and these mods are completely optional and don't represent a majority of user's mods on the nexus. The intentions of the mod are completely blurred and could either be representing Nazi's in a positive or negative light, either of which don't matter because it's a god damn mod."


- "Nazi's are bad and the existence of their regime on the nexus offends me and is bad." or "Nazi mods are belittling their crimes and represent how desensitized we are as a society and they should be banned as it is as bad as a KKK mod or similar."


For some reason some people are debating if Germans have a Nazi stigma attached to them...? Whatever.


My input: Its a mod, completely optional. I didn't know the existence of them on Fallout 4 but I was sure it was an eventuality anyways as they exist for a ton of other games. The only way I would come across it is if someone shoved the links in my face, otherwise you have to manually search for it to be aware of it's existence. So unless Hugo Boss wants to copyright strike the creators of the mods it shouldn't be an issue. The same applies to KKK mods and the such, as long as their not copyright or endorsed by the site, it's fine.


P.S I can see the downloading of that BoS mod if you hate the BoS's moral's a little bit more than me and want that in-your-face imagery to express your anger, or if you are siding with the Institute and are on the fence about the BoS, but you really want to go against them, that mod might give you that little push to continue with the Institute. Both of which portray the IRL incident negatively, which might have been the mod maker's intention.

Edited by FlamingMeat
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You realy should read all posts, then you wouldnt need to generalize so much.


Well to the point:raiders.

I think raiders are more likely punks. Instead of giving them nazi stuff i would like to see more anarchy paintings and stuff like that. They are more some kind of full anarchy guys of films like mad max.

Just typical for some post apocalyptic rebeling people. So they dont follow any orders or laws. Sure they could wear some uniforms without knowing whats it about because they wont be very well educated.

In this case, it would also be even more logical if they would also wear communists stuff and everything they will find. So they are most unpolitical and have no sensitiviy for ethnic or religions. They just dont care about anything.


Using brotherhood of steel for your ideas will be the best way in my opinion. Lots of other people also shared my opinion. So you have heared our suggestions, it is up to you now :tongue:

Edited by yerude
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A second way to introduce a potential faschist/totalitarian faction (exept for shifting the BOS towards the extreme) would be through a vault. We have encountered a fair share of social experiments in previous games as well as in Fallout 4 in Vault 114, where the effect of "loss of control or status" was their research topic. This Vault could have conducted a social experiment on the outcomes of the introduction of faschist or totalitarian ideology. After generations of indoctrination the inhabitants are eager to spread their influence to the world. For this project i'd suggest to use George Orwells classic 1984 as a source of inspiration.

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