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Help! My characters are screwed up!


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I just finished installing a bunch of mods, so I went to start a new game.. and now look at this!




All the races are screwed up! The only mods I have installed that affect character's are:


Ren's Beauty Pack

Eshme's Better Bodies



How come all my races are screwed up, and what can I do to save them? =( I don't wanna have to reinstall Oblivion, it took so many hours just to install all the mods I have. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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Sure you don't have Beautiful People?


Either way, you're going to have problems using more than one mod that affects hair and eyes. You'll have to merge them together using something like Tes4Gecko or the new CS in order to eliminate the problem.


You might also check out dev_akm's discussion of archiveinvalidation, or just use that feature of Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye Bash(both of which every mod user should have and know how to use).

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Sure you don't have Beautiful People?


Either way, you're going to have problems using more than one mod that affects hair and eyes. You'll have to merge them together using something like Tes4Gecko or the new CS in order to eliminate the problem.


You might also check out dev_akm's discussion of archiveinvalidation, or just use that feature of Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye Bash(both of which every mod user should have and know how to use).


Right, that reminds me.. I didn't run autoachiveinvalidation. Now that I did run it, when I start a new game when it finishes loading I get immediately booted to the desktop. This is the second time I've installed my mods and something catastrophic happens to my game forcing me to reinstall the mods all over again, removing several hours from my life. This happens even when I set my data files to default, so what else is there left for me to do? >_<

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Don't reinstall the mods. Delete the archiveinvalidation and go back and redo it, and this time, set it to NOT invalidate the meshes. It will otherwise tend to invalidate many unmodded meshes in the game and therefore cause it to crash. I never use the mesh invalidator for this reason.
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Don't reinstall the mods. Delete the archiveinvalidation and go back and redo it, and this time, set it to NOT invalidate the meshes. It will otherwise tend to invalidate many unmodded meshes in the game and therefore cause it to crash. I never use the mesh invalidator for this reason.


The program I have can only invalidate everything, where do I get yours?




EDIT: Merged your posts. Bumping isn't allowed in these forums, so please don't do it. Thanks. ^^


- Switch

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Don't reinstall the mods. Delete the archiveinvalidation and go back and redo it, and this time, set it to NOT invalidate the meshes. It will otherwise tend to invalidate many unmodded meshes in the game and therefore cause it to crash. I never use the mesh invalidator for this reason.


The program I have can only invalidate everything, where do I get yours?


Oblivion Mod Manager.

You can select which items to invalidate.

OBMM for short :)

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If you're using OBMM, bring up the archive invalidation utility. It has a bunch of check boxes next to options, such as directly edit BSAS. Under that is where it says whether to do textures and/or meshes. Uncheck the box that talks about meshes.
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