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What you think About Italy in this moment?


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"Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi admits he paid a young exotic dancer at the center of a prostitution scandal $60,000 - but he swears it wasn't for sex!

The 74-year-old politician playboy says he showered Karima el Mahroug, a/k/a Ruby the Heart Stealer, with cash to keep her from becoming a hooker"~dailynews



The above reminded me of a President who quibbled about the conjugation of 'to be' while under oath during a impeachment trial. Have been following but am not clear if all the charges have been formally presented yet, what level of Italian court will be the adjudicator of these indictments? The coverage over here has been very light but some of us do believe that what happens in Europe is not that remote to be irrelevant.

Edited by Aurielius
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"because a president that is involved in almost 23 crimes, isn't normal"


I guess you mean not normal for Italy? While it may not be normal for a US President it is normal for Congressmen and Governors, some states more than others.



The only difference is that in the USA we are better at covering stuff up.

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In the USA most people don't know a thing about Italy.


In the USA no one really cares from what I know.


This has nothing do to with USA. He asked a simple question, what do you think of...? not How is it compared to....?


I see Berlusconi quite a lot here on the news and the latest scandal was just last week if I'm not wrong. What he did is wrong, even more so considering his leadership status. Last time I checked a leader must be an example to the other people, but it seems that I haven't checked in a long time. :unsure:

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Since I believe the OP wanted input on how we view the scandal about Italy over here (rather than how it equates to our own scandals), I will do my best.


I have limited knowledge, but will say this much. I believe the primary reason it is getting any press over here is due to the fact that there is sex involved. Unfortunately, to a large extent our press is attracted to sex scandals like bees to honey. Any "real" news seems to bore them. From my own perspective, the little information I have gotten seems to indicate that Mr. Berlusconi has been involved in more than his share of such scandals, which would not bode well for the head of a party who takes his job seriously.


And, yes we have this type of scandal in our Country too. As a rule, we don't find our Heads of State embroiled in 23 sex scandals at one time, but there you are.


I don't know if that was helpful to you, but it was the best I could do.

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For me it is unbelievable that he is still in office. Here the Defence minister had to resign because he plagiarized his doctoral thesis and there is another politician from my country that sits in the Eu-Parliament that have been accused of doing the similar...I can't understand it ... Edited by SilverDNA
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In the USA most people don't know a thing about Italy.


In the USA no one really cares from what I know.


This has nothing do to with USA. He asked a simple question, what do you think of...? not How is it compared to....?


I see Berlusconi quite a lot here on the news and the latest scandal was just last week if I'm not wrong. What he did is wrong, even more so considering his leadership status. Last time I checked a leader must be an example to the other people, but it seems that I haven't checked in a long time. :unsure:

He asked "I wanted to know how is this situation seen abroad."


Also I was replying to someone else.

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He asked "I wanted to know how is this situation seen abroad."


Also I was replying to someone else.


Sorry, no harm done.


I think granny said it right:


to a large extent our press is attracted to sex scandals like bees to honey

This just rings so many bells. It's sad how quickly all the main news programs forget about all the other mundane problems once a scandal like this breaks loose. Over here they can talk about it for weeks, until another scandal starts. People seem to like watching such things.



PS: Granny, after I copy-quoted that phrase of yours, it seems that I have also borrowed your writing style, lol. :)

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