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Unique Enchantment ideas for modders.


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I think skyrim could use some of the following enchantments.

The power of the enchantment is dependant to the level of the player.



-Bleeding Damage (Could also be refered as SHARPNESS in the enchanting menu for immersion)
An Enchantment wich does (X) ammount of damage for (X) ammount of time.

makes the opponents strikes ( X % ) weaker for (X) ammount of time (only work againist MELLE opponents)
[note :this enchantment goes only up to 25% so it doesnt get overpowered.]

-Destruction,Alteration,Conjuration,Restoration,Illusion Bane.
This enchantment will make the selected school of the player cost (X%) more for the enemy.
[Could be used againist a mage to deplete magic quicker.]

-Magic charge
When player is struck with a spell the weapon is charged with (X%) of the spells damage.
[so if the player is struck with a spell that does 100 damage and the enchantment is 25% The weapon will do 25 extra damage.{So basicaly whenever you would fight a mage the weapon would do extra damage! but i do not know how it would work on spells like flame , frostbite ,and sparks since they hit continously}]



-Daedric Assistance
The weapon does (X) ammount of damage for each conjured daedra/atronach
[usefull if you have the perk that allows you to conjure one more creature.{daedra conjured by followers and enemies are also counted}]



Weapon Does (X) ammount of damage after a killmove
[The weapon must do a significant ammount of damage since killmoves are short of a rare occurance]





-Magic Reflection
When struck by a spell the armor will reflect (X%) of total damage to the caster.
[enchantment goes up to 50%]

-Resist Sword,Axe,Hammer
Selected weapon type (S,A,H) does (X%) less damage

-Long grasp
Player can enter,activate,search,pickpocket (X) meters further



-Animal Alligeance
Animals do not flee or attack until attacked.

If someone uses any one of these enchantments please include my name in the description









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