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Feral Ghouls = C.H.U.D!


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So, these nightmarish creatures are the stuff of my childhood nightmares thanks to my awesome parents that let me watch whatever I wanted as an early 80's kid. Sooo, I was thinking how awesome it would be to have a mod that turns Feral Ghouls into C.H.U.D.S!


Cannibalistic. Humanoid. Underground. Dwellers. They don't look much unlike ferals except that they are green, have glowing yellow eyes, and are slightly bigger. Also it would be cool if they were tougher than Feral ghouls. I love and appreciate all of you modders whether you produce this or not, but as a shout out to classic horror movies I thought this mod would be relatively easy and cool. They would ideally be found in and around sewers. I included some pics, and a trailer so you can hear the HORRIBLE sounds they make lol.


Thank you in advance to anyone who contributes. :smile:


ps. No need to replace the Ferals, but thought the texture/mesh would be usable.







Edited by razathor
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