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simple-ish gun mod. long rifles! .38, .45, .50!


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so, we all see the long rifles on the mannequins, and we all know when we first played we wanted so bad to pick them up and use them. so would anyone be willing to simply extend the front of a bolt action pipe rifle BUT have the wood end at the barrel end to make it look like a Kentucky long rifle? and have 2 maybe 3 different versions? one in .38 for lower level builds and one in .45? and maybe one in .50 for later on in the game? make them all single shots of course. maybe mess around with scopes? those were actual calibers of long rifles. maybe not the .38 i think it was .36 but the point is that it would be cool! or maybe have the option changing the laser musket into a one shot thing that instead of cranking it takes away the handle and you're left with taking out and putting in the cell? at the very least i think it would be cool to have a pipe Kentucky long rifle in .45! but with the laser musket full stock! i don't know if that's still not within our grasp until the GECK comes out. but it would be really awesome to have something time period appropriate! maybe once the GECK comes out we could also have it distributed and leveled out!



ps. maybe something could be done to have cool pistols like that as well?

pps. got some images off google to show what it looks like. maybe you guys could add some post nuclear war twist to it? but keep the same american concept?

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Abe lincoln decides to use native american tacticas make squad of 20 men or less consist of natives and french trappers all outfitted with french rifles with grooves helps ball spin, they come up to stop after see group of brits marching they use their surroundings as camouflage one trapper climbs a tree due to his rifle he manages kill a officer from 1 mile due to rifling and 20 inch barrel aka becoming the first sniper. as long it has rifling and is 20in +barrel it can shoot up to 1 mile which these tactics are what military use today just slightly more advanced gear and tactics

Edited by lest120
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