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M83HCC Canister Grenade. (Terminator)


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"The M83HCC utilized an advanced binary stabilized liquid explosive (BINASLEX) device combining two inherently stable liquid high explosive mediums, stored under high pressure, into a single volatile solution. The device measured half a meter in length and a quarter meter in diameter, weighing exactly 5 kilos."




I was thinking giving this the power and sound of a nuka-grenade with maybe some EMP effects so it's particularly harsh on robots and synths. I know we have EMP grenades but they're kind of underwhelming.


-A blue glowing ring like on the picture would be awesome too, especially as it's flying through the air lol.


My incessant Terminator requests aren't meant to sound demanding, just ideas for other people with unhealthy fixations on Terminator. :p

Edited by razathor
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