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Alter an existing mod


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Hi there I went through a lot of threads and did not come across what I was looking for.

I have read the tutorial on how to enchant and place items in the Oblivion world.

I have three questions though.

First. Is it possible to change an item or clothing from a existing mod that was downloaded from the web i.e. The Templar Armor to make it a stealth armor for my character.

Secondly. in doing so will it be only active if I buy it again or if I already have it in my inventory will it be changed to what I changed it to?

Thirdly do I need to open the mod that the armor was in or the main Oblivion esm folder?


Thanks for the help in advance

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Hi there I went through a lot of threads and did not come across what I was looking for.

I have read the tutorial on how to enchant and place items in the Oblivion world.

I have three questions though.

First. Is it possible to change an item or clothing from a existing mod that was downloaded from the web i.e. The Templar Armor to make it a stealth armor for my character.

Secondly. in doing so will it be only active if I buy it again or if I already have it in my inventory will it be changed to what I changed it to?

Thirdly do I need to open the mod that the armor was in or the main Oblivion esm folder?


Thanks for the help in advance

.esp files can't cross link. You cannot open up two .esp files, and have one change the other. Any changes you would want to make to an .esp file must be made within that .esp file. Meaning, you would have to open that mod as active and change what you want within that mod, and have to save over that mod. Usually, unless the item already has a preset enchantment (one created in the CS) you can change that enchantment and the item should also change. It is however more likely that you will have the get a fresh one after the changes were made to see any difference. However since you're already cheating to get an effect on the item, you could probably just drop a new one in the world somewhere near your current save (make sure ownership is set to player or player faction if it's an interior).


When you load up a .esp, it also loads up any parented .esm files with that .esp. If that mod is based on Oblivion.esm, Oblivion.esm will be loaded when you load the mod.

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Thanks for the reply

I will try that because when I tried to make my own esp from the second mod I got a "This program has encountered.......and will shut down" so I guess thats to do with the second mod.



One more thing if I try to drag and drop the items in a container the preview window gets all grey and the picture disappears eventually

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Sorry I am not yet familiar with the construction set but its the window that appears when you go to Interiors world and select a chest container at a specific location like Wayn prior Juffrey chest

after selecting it a chest picture appears where the chest is located.

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