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Need help for a simple mod


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Ello everyone, i am a really beginner with the GECK but still... i try to make my owne mod.


I dont want to do extraodinary stuff, but just custom this game the way i wish it was. So far i succed to custome my owne sleep, dehidration rate, the rad value for the water ( sink, water pump or gecko steak ) not that hard, i know ^^


But where i am stuck is on the doctor services, i wanted them to cure radiation by threshold like : 100 rad => 100caps so if you got 800 rad it will cost you 800 caps and not the same price like if you got minor radiation. Or juste make it more expensive or why not remove this option and just let myself dealing the radiation with rad-x & stuff. Anyway you got the idea.


Problème is : i cant find where i am supposed to do that change, i try to search some help but dont find anything, so if you can help me, it will be real nice :tongue:



Ps: Sorry for my english, really not my first language..

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there is a quest called doctor that handles all of this (i think im learning this as i go) it handles everything about healing addictions/health/rads. this is also one of my first scripts ever so i hope it works


setstage Doctors 30
Player.RemoveItem Caps001 100


but change the 100 to whatever you want to charge. if you learn some scripting you could write a script that checks rad level and then charges accordingly but i am not good enough at scripting to do that. just put the code into the quick shot conversation and have it run a bunch of if statements


This is a rough code that the GECK took but i cant be sure it runs right. Put this in the conversation "and a quick shot... here you go" under the box called Result Script(end) but erase what is in there. the setstage Doctors 30 runs step 30 in the quest which is just a script to remove 1000 rads.


player.getav RadiationRads

if player.getav RadiationRads <= 200
    setstage Doctors 30
    Player.RemoveItem Caps001 100

if player.getav RadiationRads <= 400
    setstage Doctors 30
    Player.RemoveItem Caps001 200

if player.getav RadiationRads <= 600
    setstage Doctors 30
    Player.RemoveItem Caps001 300

if player.getav RadiationRads <= 800
    setstage Doctors 30
    Player.RemoveItem Caps001 400

if player.getav RadiationRads <= 1000
    setstage Doctors 30
    Player.RemoveItem Caps001 500

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