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New Vegas Restoration - NVR


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Version 8 Notice:


I want to make sure everyone understands something... Version 8 removes the gated walls in the middle of the Strip, and what this ensures is that there will be bugs every now and again. The Strip Open is known to have bugs because the gates are used a scripted triggers, and when the gates are removed, so are the triggers. I have added fixes myself, and I'm hoping we can have a successful file that doesn't need to many patches. If you find a bug, please report it so I can fix it in the next version.


Version 9 Notice


Version 9 is bieng worked on right now. It is a bug fixer, as I have found a few of them. It also makes improvements to the Strip in many more awesome ways... You may be thinking "How can this mod get any awesomer?" Believe me... it can. MUHAHAHAHAHA!


LOD Issue:


As you may or may not know, removing the gates in the Strip causes the LOD's to appear when you're far away from them. In the distance you can see a low - resolution wall where the gates were. Version 9 will include blank files that take the LOD's place, so no more problems in that area. (Thanks to GTech for the blank files.)




New Vegas Restoration


- NVR Team -


NVR Team:

Falloutperson416 - Project Director

GTA44 - Lead Developer of NVSO

GTech - Developer

cybernathan - BETA Tester


What People Are Saying About NVR


Nice work, thanks! - Cecallred

Awesome mod. - GTA44


Awesome mod, thank you. Looks much better than the vanilla version. - Kresse


I am a believer! Looks and feels so much better! Thanks for this. - VaultBoy99


Thank you, I hated all the clutter. - Raimiette


Nice changes. When I first went there I thought it was pretty stupid how junky it looked. It's supposed to be the jewel of the wasteland and instead it looked like any other trash dump town with a few more lights. Thanks for cleaning it up for us. - Dasim4


Just as promised, here's the endorse.

Very nice mod, I wish that someday, we might get a mod that renovates most of places to look more pre-war. C'mon dudes, it's 200 years after the nuclear war, NV wasn't even really affected by the war at all, and everything is destroyed? - choojowyczop


Really nice! Who wants to live like a hobo? - PinHeadius


Four words: I love your mod. Enough said, exept for: THANK YOU! - Lepidus


Keep up the good work! - cybernathan


This is indeed a spectacular MOD! It adds a little cleanliness to this Open Waste.. definitely an Oasis for the Mojave Over-dosed. - JLander


Looking foward to the update from you and GTA44! - RickySloanKR


I love this mod. Makes the strip so much more beautiful. Thank you for the hard work that you have put into this mod. - killergrimm




The whole point of this ongoing mod is to create a Strip that reminds us that there is still some good in the wasteland. By removing the trash, repairing the buildings, and adding more life to the Strip, our goal can be achieved. Every modder out there is welcome to help! Wether it be reporting a bug, creating cleaner textures, promoting, your help is always welcome![/center]


What Does This Mod Do?


This mod cleans up the Strip by removing trash, repairing roads, buildings, and making the Strip a better place to be.




- (Version 9) Adds a sturdy interior and exterior wall to the Strip in place of those old and busted scrap walls.


- Removes the destroyed catwalk.


- Added a visable Las Vegas Welcome sign to the rear of the Stip.


- Fixes issues around the Strip


- Adds more plants to the dirt areas around The TOPS.


- Removes the trashy gates inside the Strip (Requires The Strip Open)


- Removes trash, car hulks, repairs buildings and streets.


- Adds fix for the removed interior gates.


- Adds a paved area next to The TOPS.


- Makes the static doors on the left of The TOPS useable.


- Adds an entirely new sewer system under the Strip, accesable via the manhole covers.


What Areas Are Cleaned Up?


Every area on the Strip has had attention, even the places that you don't see when you're walking by. Infact, if you enter the Strip, you will automaticly see a dfference right beneath your feet. The roads are no longer cracked and destroyed.


Areas and buildings that have had attention:


- All of the roads (No more cracks, broken pavement, or piles of dirt)


- The Lucky 38


- Gommorah


- The TOPS Casino


- LBV Station


- The Ultra Luxe


- Michael Angelos


- The Embassy


All of these areas have been repaired. That includes:


- Broken walls


- Peeling wallpaper


- Broken roads


- Stains


- Loose papers and trash


See the pictures for additonal details.




Version 1 through 4:


Versions 1 through 4 were the files that removed the trash only (Loose papers, car hulks)


Version 5:


Version 5 fixes up buildings, roads, removes trash, and makes the Strip a better place to be. This version had a few known bugs.


Version 6:


Version 6 was mostly a bug fixer. It removed all of the known bugs that version 5 contained, and cleaned up a few more things here and there.


Version 7:


Version 7 fixed the one and only bug Version 6 contained, and changed a few other things around the Strip.


Version 8:


Version 8 adds an entire new sewer system under the Strip that can be accesed by the previously static manhole covers. This version also removes the gates within the Strip. (Requires The Strip Open)


Version 9


Version 9 is still currently under construction. It fixes the bugs that have been found in Version 8, improves the sewer system, adds clean secure walls on the perimeter of the Strip, and changes a few other small things here and there.




There are no known bugs right now. If you do find a bug, please report it in the comments section so I can release a patch.




1. The Strip Open


This mod is REQUIRED to use Version 8 of NVR.


Get it here: The Strip Open





1. Download the 7zip file.


2. Place the 7zip file in FOMM/ Open up the 7zip file and place the esp. file in this folder path:


(C:) > ProgramFiles (86) > Steam > SteamApps > Common > Fallout New Vegas > Data


This folder path may be different for some people, but if you are using Windows 7 your folder path should match this one.




1. Uncheck the file in FOMM/ Remove the esp. file from your data folder.


But, you would NEVER want to uninstall, right?


Future Updates


- Street performers


- New, clean textures


- A more friendly enviroment


- And whatever else we can come up with that will improve the Strip!


Additonal Future Updates


These are a couple of things I can't do myself, and if they are going to get done it would have to be done by someone else.


1. New models. This is a big thing I want for this mod, NEW MODELS. It would make a big improvement, but I'm not good enough with Blender to make a proffesional model.


2. New textures. This is also something I am not good at, so if there were to be new textures, it would have to be done by someone else.




New Vegas Restoration - NVR belongs to me (Falloutperson416) and cannot be eddited/uploaded without my permmision. If you do want to edit/upload this mod, please contact me with a PM. If you contribute to the mod, you will gain rights specified by me.


Additional Notes


- Over 3300 downloads and 53 endorsements! Keep it up people!


- Version 8 of NVR was released today! (4/10/2011)


- I give kudos to those who upload pictures!


- GTech is also working with us on this project. We are making a team for this mod, so plenty of good things will arise!


- GTA44 and I have spoken, and we have a game plan.


- Version 7 of New Vegas Restoration was released today! (3/6/11)


- If you have any ideas that you would like to share, please either leave a comment or send me a PM.


- Please endorse! (File of the month would be nice too)


- GTA44 has offered to team up with me to create the ultimate New Vegas overhaul. I have accepted, and we have been talking and making plans. Stay tuned for more information about this, because it is going to be good!


- Version 6 has been released! (3/3/11)


- Anybody who wishes to contribute to this mod in any way is welcome to! This is an ONGOING mod, and I want it to improve as much as it can.


- This mod has been on the Nexus for a few months now, but today (3/2/11) is the day that I uploaded Version 5, and made the description abit more... "Attractive"


- Versions 1 through 4 were released around 5 months ago. The files aren't on the Nexus anymore.


- NVR Team -



New Vegas Restoration - NVR

Edited by falloutperson416
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This mod sounds really cool, although I'd really like to see some astute modders take a stab at improving the weak FNV main quest. I think the main quest keeps FNV from being as good a game as FO3. Not only does the main quest story have more holes in it than Swiss cheese, but that end fight at Hoover Dam is incredibly lame. IMHO.
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