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Nothing too fancy...


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Good evening everyone! As i stroll through the nexus day after day i find myself looking through a plethora of skimpy armor mods, or armor mods that make your character out to be the ultimate badass and i was wondering to myself, where are the simple armors?? I for example like to use Mercenaries which allows me to have my own little army placed around skyrim but what to equip them with. Cant have them all walking around looking like one of the divines. And i have found a couple of different ones that arent bad, such as the templar one or the steel plate replacer. But what about something along the lines of this: http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd408/Joseph_Skyrim/larpstroll.jpg . Just a simplistic armor for my foot soldiers. I understand the modders are hard at work with other projects which is awesome but can we get a simplistic armor? I would love to be able to do this myself, and i have pretty decent knowledge with the CK, but when it comes to blender and nifskope and gimp i am at a loss. And all i can find are shady tutorials that i dont really trust. If anyone would be willing to pick up this project that would be great...but if someone could take the time to walk me through the process of showing me i would love to be able to create armors for everyone to enjoy as well as eventually bump some old threads, cause i have seen some really excellent ideas on the forums that ive wanted to jump right in and do it myself cause its such a good idea. I know im ranting a little and im sure ill get bitched at a little for asking for guidance but i dont care. The people demand less skimpy and if i have the chance to do it then dammit i will most certainly take one for the team. If anyone wants to take up this project i will help in anyway. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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