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Mods to make Oblivion Closer to Skyrim?


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Are there any mods to make Oblivion Closer to Skyrim? Cause yea IM A FREAKIN NOOB and just prefer Skyrim's simpleness and stuff

But yea just general changes to levelling, combat, crafting, crafting, interface etc to make them more similar to Skyrim?


Graphics are not so much of an issue.


Cheers :tongue:

PS: If anyone has a mod to let you zoom out all the way on the map ill propose


PPS: Im also a "noob" to forums so #dontjudge2016 for the shambles that was: This post

Edited by Peapodman
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want to share :) try this


Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul : about crafting, also add many fun thing, lightning effect revamped


Amulet of Greed : change combat, and many things, fix many built-in oblivion bugs too


Oblivion XP Update : change leveling to normal grinding common action game


interface ? use this, must install this first before anything -> Darnified UI


for graphics use this, may improve performance QTP3 Reduced


and finally for zoom map is Toggle Zoom, for bird eye view use this MiniMap - Reboot


I think, that's all :D


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lubronbrons... will you marry me? Listen our wedding would be top- there'd be fire dancers and punch!

I look after the kids also! And ill do all the cooking and the cleaning-- So really Im a catch


Also I'm hilarious- i mean just read this comedy gold someone give a freaking oscar already!

Ya I'm lost with this comment as well... :confused: :huh:

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