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i love to see a mod for Intimidation so u only need one point to use it (or it auto from the start)

also is there anyway to make a more usefulness perk like forcing the npc to stay calm and control as long as you have your gun out and give you the ability to switch weapons?...


(also give the opt to pacify them at any level. i know i be more willing to liston to someone if a gun was pointed at me.. )


i dont know if this van be done with out the geck or what but i would love to see this perk with far more use then it does now ;3 (or even to a point force them as a follower and give you the ability to give them a name..) (bribe them with stuff)

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Okay. For starters. I didn't quite understand your fist question. You might need to re-phrase it :tongue:

for your second question: There is a mod that covers some of those bases and in the future, even more cool features. It's called "Permanent Pacification" http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5563/?


Hope that answered some of your questions :smile: Have a good one!

Edited by Agnonthewolf
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