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Sofia Follower set to Essential, still dies


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  • 1 year later...

Are you sure she just wasn't protected. A protected Npc can still be killed if i struck again in recovery mod (hunched over) that goes for splash damage or friendly fire. An essential npc will remain in recovery mode until she recovers enough health but will never die regardless how many times there hit. The third kind is invulnerable which is mainly for children npcs in which they can't take damage.

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Without a load order it's jut guessing OFC... Do you have other mods installed, that change followers? Especially something like U.F.O, E.F.F. or AFT? Or some other multi follower mod?

I ran into a similar problem some months ago.I wondered how a certain follower, who was definitely flagged as "essential" in the CK, could die. Then I read through AFTs MCM Menu: "Followers can die - 10% chance".... Maybe check if something changes the way your followers behave. You can also try to move her esp down in your load order and see if that changes anything. If it does, there's a mod conflict.

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