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Controlling Companion NPC Access to Cells/Worldspaces


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I've investigated the script "NVDLC03TeleportEffectTimerSCRIPT" as a good base for this, but I'm not quite sure how to pull off our goal.


First of all, we need to have a script that will prevent any Vanilla or mod companions from joining you in a series of cells outside our primary worldspace (it's connected to WastelandNV). After this point, the player will gain a new companion and depart the area to make their way to the worldspace entrance.


In addition, there are three other locations in which we want to allow only mod-related companions to join the player in. (At the moment, I'm considering having them simply "wait for the player outside" rather than them following you as initially planned.)


Our big issue is the Worldspace. We want the player to be able to go in and out of the worldspace with the new companions (4 in all) without allowing any other potential companion characters into the worldspace.


Would simply running the following script at the beginning of each area be enough to allow our companions in and keep any others out?

Set VNPCFollowers.bCritterInParty to 0
Set VNPCFollowers.bHumaniodInParty to 0 

We of course would add the other elements to remove the perks, send them back to their set home, etc. I just want to make sure the right companions end up in the right place.


Thanks for your time.

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