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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Darksaber


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So I'm a huge fan of Lord Haun's "Magicka Sabers" ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3174/? ) mod, which adds what are effectively Star Wars lightsabers to the game. Every new character I make, I outfit them with at least one magicka saber.

However, the one thing I feel was lacking from the mod was the extremely rare black-bladed lightsabers. While these are rare, they DO exist in the EU (such as in The Force Unleashed), and a unique black saber, the "Darksaber", is one of my favorites, appearing in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series as first the weapon of Pre Viszsla, and later Darth Maul. The weapon is described as being an "ancient lightsaber stolen by Vizsla's ancestors from the Jedi Temple during the fall of the Old Republic. The blade is unique, as lightsabers go, having a more sword-like shape (flattened blade and pointed tip), and also has sounds that are different from a traditional lightsaber, being considerably higher pitched.

If someone could create a version of the Darksaber for Skyrim, or even just a black-bladed traditional lightsbaer, I would be ecstatic.

Several examples of the Darksaber's sound and appearance can be found in these two videos and these images:


Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Pre Vizsla: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vtj5YxDcCk


A traditional lightsaber with a black blade would have the normal lightsaber sounds, and the blade would look something like this:


If anyone can create either or both of these, that would be awesome. For the Darksaber version, having a slightly different hilt than a standard magicka saber, would probably be necessary because of the Darksaber's unique, flattened blade.

Edited by LordSerathDarklands
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