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tro_bnwatercheckscript CTD


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I have no idea how to use or read Papyrus logs, but after constant CTDs in Riften (mostly the Ragged Flaggon), I enabled the log and went over them as I in Riften.


The last section keeps referring to "tro_bnwatercheckscript" as a spell, but I cannot determine if it is from vanilla Skyrim or a mod, although it is likely to be vanilla Skyrim as the crashes that end with tro_bnwatercheckscript only happen in Riften, and I have no mods that change Riften, the Thieves Guild, or the Ragged Flaggon.


This link is the most recent Papyrus log: http://pastebin.com/vyeWKk0u


This link is my load order: http://pastebin.com/CRkRw31Q


How can I fix this? Riften has become the place I dread going to.


On a side note, what mod is BGNEX01.esp part of?

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A papyrus log is not a crash log and the last entry is usually not the cause of a crash, because since it's not set up to be a crash log, the ultimate reason the game engine took a dump is not recorded. Just FYI.


I don't know anything about your modding habits (do you install/remove complex mods mid-game, do you revert to an earlier save where the mod wasn't installed when you remove that mod, and so on, most people are pretty careless about installing/removing mods mid-playthrough and this is the cause of many issues) so I can't really comment on anything else, try going into riften on a fresh game (or just coc there from the main menu), that should at least give you some pointers about it being a savegame problem or a mod problem.

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