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add a weapon to the game


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There is not much difference between adding a static and adding a new weapon. One way to add a static is to click a static in the object window, type in a new name, and press return. Then geck asks you if you want to rename the object or create a new one. If you choose to create a new one, then you can edit the model field to add your nif. This way, your new object has all the properties of the old one. You can edit other properties using the "edit" menu choice.


Add your new weapon the same way. Pick some weapon which it is close to. Copy it, add your model, and then use "edit" to change any other properties.

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thanks davidlallen very useful

and now I got a problem with the nif file


the 3d gun In nifskope works 100%, it's fully textured, but when I try to import the .nif file in the geck in the window menu that shows the modded file, I see an huge explamation mark.



Edited by hayeseyah
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First mod an easy one to start to understand how things works, it's a combat shotgun with an huge .357 cylinder replacing the drum...and...


gun on the ground MODDED

inventory MODDED

equip 1st and 3rd person VANILLA


world object -> static I've putted the static .nif

changed some stats







edit SUCCESS problem of folders

Edited by hayeseyah
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