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FMA Envy Outfit


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Alright so in tribute to my fave homunculus, Envy, I figured I'd suggest a mod that adds his outfit to oblivion.

So I was thinking you could add a replica of the outfit, along with a custom wig, (Because Envy has some pretty unique hair :P) Or even a new hairstyle all together, either way it should work fine, so long as the wig would cancel out the characters default hair.

Here is a pic to give you a great idea of what to work with.


Pretty good image to use for a blueprint huh?

As you can tell the hair is black with blonde streaks.

And it is made up of just about nothing but split ends heh.

And lest we forget the headband

ALSO. You may not be able to tell from the picture, but you may notice he is wearing shorts, and the skirt is pretty much covering them.

(just wanted to point that stuff out, Envy has a... Uh... Bold, fashion sense.. Haha!)


Also, the outfit should be made for the Slender-Scrawny body type of Roberts Male v5


And one more thing, for those of you not fammiliar with Fullmetal Alchemist... ENVY IS INDEED A GUY, I dont want anyone getting mixed up haha.

So if you want to do this mod just lemme know.


I am a huge Fullmetal Alchemist fan. Just wanted to point that out people

I'd really appriciate if you were to take on the job! :)

Edited by Electric0eye
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