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More interactive NPC's towards companions


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I actually enjoy listening when companions and for example, rivalry faction's NPC's or other make small snarky comments on each others. Is it possible to increase the chance they will comment on/interact more with each other? Making companions more "visible" for other NPC's?

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Mods for Skyrim eventually did just this- but by 'unlocking' content Beth had created but then abandoned because their coders were too incompetent to get it working properly. Skyrim guards, for instance, were finally successfully modded to correctly recognising the status of the player, and commenting accordingly.


The coding in FO4 is a JOKE compared to Skyrim (let's hope the A-team was busy on Skyrim 2, while the Z-team was finishing this Fallout game). There may be a lot of unused dialogue that could be unlocked as you suggest, or new dialogue could be recorded.


However, the pattern of first quality modding for Skyrim suggests such capable modders prefer creating voiced characters of their own, rather than attempting to revoice existing ones. I have a sneaking suspicion that the stuff you (I and many others) enjoy will prove too difficult to improve via simple mods (would you really want to here the same few stock phrases repeated even more often than vanilla?)


The best FALLOUT (3,NV) mods proved to be very different from those that improved Skyrim. More 'dungeons' and new interiors for previously boarded-up buildings, together with new missions/bounties. What you ask for here (and I very much agree) tends to pay-off far more in games like Skyrim, and I don't see it being a priority in FO4 mods.

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