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Need advice on these two mods - Project Nevada and Vicious Wastes


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So I've never been big on modding before, but I've been getting really into it recently. Specifically with New Vegas. I'm trying to make it the most immersive possible experience, but without sacrificing the RPG mechanics of the game In fact, I've installed a handful of mods that make it play more like an RPG and less like an FPS.


This is why I'm having a hard time with these two mods, Project Nevada and Vicious Wastes. They both have some really nice features that look like they would increase the immersion and difficulty of the game by making it more realistic. But they also both make large changes to the amount of health all characters have, and the damage weapons do, and the result looks like it would make the game play more like an FPS where everything can die in relatively few shots. I don't want that.


Now I currently have the Project Nevada Core module installed. I use it for just a few features that add immersion/realism, none of that bullet time garbage. So I know PN is modifiable with MCM, but how modifiable is the Rebalance module? Can I install that and keep all of the damage and health numbers the same, and just turn on the features I like? Or are the damage effects mandatory?


I'd also like to know the same about Vicious Wastes. How many of the features in that are mandatory, and how many can be configured with MCM?


Additionally, I noticed a lot of features that interested me in Vicious Wastes are also in Project Nevada. And I believe that, without a patch at least, VW would cause conflicts if I installed the Rebalance module of PN. Because of this I'll probably just not use Vicious Wastes, since at best it would be redundant. Can anyone confirm this?


However, there are three features in particular that i'm interested in which Vicious Wastes does that I don't think Project Nevada does.

-One is that VW makes tagged skills increase by 2 on each level up, just like in Fallout 1 and 2. This is an amazing feature in my opinion, and something I really want if I can get it.

-The second is that it makes it so limbs are easier to cripple, for both the player and NPCs. I know PN has "Increased Limb Damage" listed as a feature in Rebalance, but that's very vague. Does it mean the players limbs will cripple easier only, or enemies as well?

-Third is that Agility effects your characters movement speed. Under 5 AGI your character moves a bit slower, over 5 they move a bit faster.


Now I basically have one question for each of those three features. Can someone please confirm whether or not Project Nevada does them (I checked, but couldn't find confirmation), and if not are there other mods that do those same things?


Thank you in advance for any help, I really appreciate it. And sorry for kind of rambling, I hope no one has any problem understanding my questions.

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