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Morning! (over here it is anyway)


I've had a Nexus account for a couple years though I have only downloaded mods (Oblivion and Fallout), until recently.


I downloaded and briefly played the Bunker 72 mod for F3 and decided it was high time I make an attempt to give back to the gracious community that has provided me with so much entertainment (also, I have been writing for approximately 2 years, and wish to practice by creating a story in the Fallout universe). As a result I began work on a mod, labeled Forced Fable Program, using the 'GECK wiki vault' as a base (I'm new to this; better to start with a solid foundation then screw that up and build something even worse on top)


This isn't the 'heres my new mod' thread, so I will leave the rest of the explanation alone, unless asked.


Thank you all for the amount of fun I have had in the past, and I hope the content I give back is just as fun.

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