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Need help!


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Yeh so i am making a mod for oblivion. And when i go in-game inside my dungeon it only spawns 2 skeletons when i have placed 6 in the construction set. Have any1 encountered this problem before? Or know how to solve it?

Please i really need help :)

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I've run into this problem before. You need to place a leveled list in the cell instead of the skeleton itself. For some reason, creatures/NPCs don't spawn correctly in interior cells unless they're generated by leveled lists. Keep in mind that not all leveled lists spawn 100% of the time. If you want all six skeletons to spawn every time the cell resets, I recommend using LL1SkeletonMelee100 (for sword wielders) and LL1SkeletonMissile100 (for archers).
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Your skeletons don't have any strange AI packages do they? Like if they have wander packages that tell them to wander near some X-marker in a quest dungeon, then they will go wander there instead of in your dungeon.


Have you properly path-gridded your cell? If not, then your skeletons could randomly spawn under the floor, above the ceiling, or inside a wall.


Make sure your skeletons are not initially disabled and do not have scripts which disable them or teleport them.

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