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Custom horse-riding animaton or pose


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This post is not about the feasibality of this, because I definitely can make one without any technical diffculties but just time comsuming..


Since there are so many regular pose and animationI mods in TES4, I am just wondering why no corresponding horse-riding mods exist so far?

(at least I can not find it with the keyword horse...)

Is this kind of mod....not lore-friendly? (I've noticed there are no stirrups) or I need to find them with different keywords than 'horse'?


I know some regular custom pose can perform on the horse back too, but most of them didn't set bone priority right (so you won't see the lowbody pose right in horse idle), and of course, those authors never intend to make a horse pose.



Demo of a knight riding pose (and an animated flag spear and cloak)

This is a demo of a custom ACTOR pose designed for riding (compared to horse-actor one, which is just a little more complicated)

Oh.. thanks for DeadlyReflect mod which allow me to hold my weapon on the horse back


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Hello =)

I dont know why nobody has actually done any animations for the Horses yet. Actually i even added a skeleton which allows people to edit the poses easily.

It makes me somewhat sad that it hasnt been used yet ^^'

Here is the link to the mod in the tes nexus... *Click*

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It's already extremely hard to make aminations for humans. And most of (the good ones) are based on mocap. Together with horses it's certainly not easier.


Deedes skeleton is a really great idea. If it only would work.... Not because of of his skeleton, but because of Blender import/export. Main reason: Blender can't do splines. Splines are converted into simple NiTransformData. Unfortunately all rotations are approx. doubled. At least that's what I found out when I analyzed a stagger animation using splines.


All standard riding animations rely heavyly on splines, esp. for the horse bones. And you can really see that horse movements are off when you import them in Blender. As I did when I made my horse riding BBB adaptations.


Sorry, deedes.

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Heh, not your fault - actually its not really anybodys fault ;)


Tough there could be new idle animations - like a shying animation (for the horse) where the horse rises and kicks with its hooves (could be taken from the jumping animation)...

... but i have actually not seen any of the idles for horses... at all, yet :/



Aah... well.. lets see if someone will find and finish this before Skyrim comes out ^^

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