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scripting help for adding to global


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i want to have different levels of drunkenness in a mod and cant get it to quite work. It will always set off the first imagespace modifier but wont change if more beer is drunk. i have it run as an effect on beer.


latest (have tried quite a few different versions, latest is using a global var i made)

scn drunkeneffect

begin ScriptEffectStart

GetGlobalValue drinkingbeer

if drinkingbeer == 5
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking5
ApplyImageSpaceModifier Drinking6

if drinkingbeer == 4
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking4
ApplyImageSpaceModifier Drinking5
set drinkingbeer to 5

if drinkingbeer == 3
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking3
ApplyImageSpaceModifier Drinking4
set drinkingbeer to 4

if drinkingbeer == 2
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking2
ApplyImageSpaceModifier Drinking3
set drinkingbeer to 3

if drinkingbeer == 1
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking1
ApplyImageSpaceModifier Drinking2
set drinkingbeer to 2

if drinkingbeer == 0
ApplyImageSpaceModifier Drinking1
set drinkingbeer to 1


begin ScriptEffectFinish
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking1
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking2
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking3
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking4
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking5
RemoveImageSpaceModifier Drinking6
set drinkingbeer to 0


also using just has my global increase from 0 to 1 but not any higher. if i could just figure how to increase the global i can get this thing to work since i could do just a regular script that runs if my global is set to anything higher than 1. am i just missing something really simple????


int beers

begin ScriptEffectStart

set beers to drinkingbeer
set beers to beers + 1
set drinkingbeer to beers


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Don't use this in a script: GetGlobalValue. It's for conditions (like in topics) only.

Just use the variable name: drinkingbeer


Edit - In the second script snippet, beers always starts as zero when the effect is applied. It isn't preserved.

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all im trying to do is attach a script to beer (for now) that increases a global setting. i have realized any script variable isnt saved because each beer will run its own version of the script, which is why i want to use the global value. all i need to figure out is how to permanently raise my global. i cant get the global to report anything higher than 1 unless i set it manually. its almost like its either 0 (off) or 1 (on)


could i possibly need script extender to get this to work?


scn drunkeneffectbeer

begin ScriptEffectStart

set drinkingbeer to ++1



no matter what i type for addition (ie set drinkingbeer to drinkingbeer + 1, set drinkingbeer to +1) it will always read 1 but never higher...

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I don't think this is doing what you expect:

set drinkingbeer to ++1

The script is just setting it to one - not incrementing it.


Do it this way:

set drinkingbeer to drinkingbeer + 1

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majinshinsa, you mentioned NVSE. It's a good idea to use while debuging your scripts even if you don't actually need the features in the release version.


Use the printc function to see if your script is actually running when you think it is.

Put this line in your block, and view the console when testing your mod ingame.

printc "Beer ScriptEffectStart"


I'm guessing that this is only running when you consume the first beer, and is skipped on subsequent beers as the effect has already started.

Does the global increase if you let the beer effect wear off first?

(I've not had use myself for an effect script so this is just speculation)


The other thing I'd do is right click on the global and choose 'Use Info' to see if I'd written anything else that changes it.

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