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Vampire Aging!


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As everyone knows, vampirism in Oblivion blows. :down: But really the only problem I can't get over is that no matter how often you feed or how young/attractive your character is, vampirism makes you old and ugly. :wallbash: WHY?! :wallbash: Anyway, I've been looking into a way to alter this, hoping to achieve the opposite effect; for being a vampire to make you young and beautiful. :thumbsup: Becoming a vampire would send your youth bar down, and send your complexion up. :yes: The problem: I can't find anything in the VampireScript that event remotely suggests anything to do with appearance. Any help at all? :wacko: Many thanks in advance! :teehee:
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I believe much of it is hardcoded, and cannot be directly modded. Mods have to use workarounds and sometimes create as many flaws as they fix. (For example, with one approach, you can be a pretty vampire, but you can't bite anyone.) You might take a look at how the second variant of this mod is put together to see how to make vampires pretty: Vampires - No Sun Damage I guess actually the vampires are just normal, not pretty. They look like ordinary people, and no more youthful or lovely of countenance than before they became vampires.


There are other mods out there and other approaches. You might download a bunch of them and dissect them in the CS to see how they work.


The thing that makes vampires old and ugly and red-eyed, and which allow them to feed is a spell effect called vampirism that has a red bat symbol. The simplest approach to having a pretty vampire is taking away this spell effect but leaving other vampire spell effects in place.

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