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All you &^%$in modders!


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I can't tell you how awesome I think you are and I envy your skill. The fact that you come from all over the world, all walks of life, and take the time to work on things that you know improve a game and share them with your fellow gaming bretheren is awesome. In fact I would go as far as to say you single-handedly saved PC gaming during it's lowest points and now it's rightfully the king of the hill once again.


People (including myself) are constantly making mod requests like its no big deal to ask for what could essentially amount to hours of work, sometimes on things you likely have no interest in. Your only real reward is the endorsement button which I make sure to hit, but I think you all deserve a bit more of a pat on the back. If I had the money to actually tip more often I would. Especially when I read some of the criticism from angry people because a mod didn't get along with another mod from people that barely survive editing the .ini files.


I can't tell you how much life you literally breathe into a game, and basically keep them alive a good 5 years longer than they normally would (sometimes longer). I can't even imagine playing Bethesda games without mods at this point, as all of your work is what makes them so amazing. That being said, I just wanted to say thank you, and some of us downloading leeches worship you. :tongue: I don't want you guys to be treated like Atari programmers back in the day..


ps... wheres the 4k chrome pipe weapons????

Edited by razathor
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