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Veronica dead in my house


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I can't help directly with that, but I can give an example of what might have happened:


With Oblivion, developers stated at one point, Valen Dreth (the Dark Elf that harrasses you in the beginning of the game) would always end up dead whenever they would test play. This ended up being because the guards would get hungry, and Dreth would be killed for the minimal amount of food on his person.


Something to that effect might be happening. I would venture to guess either Boone, or Cass are in different locations when you load your house back up? One of them possibly closer to Vera than they were when you left them at the house? I am not entirely familiar with NV files and follower issues so there would be a more educated answer from someone else I'm sure. Hopefully what I said will help you form a better response to someone else that might know a specific issue that would cause something like that to happen. Good Luck!

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