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problem with importing meshes into 3ds max


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I recently aquired a copy of 3Ds Max, and have learned enough to begin editing and creating my own meshes. however, when i use nifscope to export a mesh as a .obj, 3Ds Max wont read it. what am i doing wrong here?
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I recently aquired a copy of 3Ds Max, and have learned enough to begin editing and creating my own meshes. however, when i use nifscope to export a mesh as a .obj, 3Ds Max wont read it. what am i doing wrong here?

.obj format with max is buggy at best, and really isn't useful beyond modification/replacement of very basic meshes. You should really be using an actual .nif importer/exporter since some good people went through the trouble of making them. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...ckage_id=195073


I would suggest using version 0.2.9 if you're using Max 7 or 8. If you're using Max 9, you'll need to use the 0.2.10 version, as well as some workarounds to get collision to work right. I would avoid downloading the latest version 0.2.11 since it is very new, and may have some major problems associated with it. It doesn't look like 0.2.11 fixes the collision issues with 0.2.10 anyway, so there really isn't much benefit for normal usage.


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