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Mount Ulfrics, Tullius', Rikke's and Galmars head on your house wall for HF?


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Can someone pull this off? I hate that fact that I give so much effort into the civil war, only to kill Ulfric with just a regular sword hit, and the only prize is his clothes. I want to mount that traitors' head on my wall. Maybe someone can make his head lootable (would be better if his head would be removed from his corpse just like the Glenmoril witches during Lycantropy cure), and add some ingredients to "preserve" his head? That would be a real prize, now.

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anyway I would do it but a bit difficult for me at the moment. Would love this especially with Tuilius's and Rikke's head

Would be cool if you made the head a little pale, with some blood on the neck part. Maybe just more more than a mount on the wall, maybe a spiky pole, or even better, an animated jar of liquid that contains the head? And yes, Ulfric is a traitor :)

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