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No attributes? Am I the only one Worried?


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I totally agree with you!


A level-less system where you learn moves from masters of the trade, by swinging your sword enough and reading about it. Pretty much like it is in TES, but without the levels! Things should evolve naturally, making it a more immerse (imo, as immersion is a subjective thing...) and realistic!


The problem about such a system is that it would be hard to balance, and especially hard to make fun for the majority of players. Leveling up gives a sense of achievement, which many players needs for the game to be any fun. There are other ways of giving that sense of achievement, but leveling up is by far the most efficient and simplest one of them.


Yeah that's a huge problem but the concept is still great. I still hope that developers could make a game like that gives a sense of reward while being realistic. I guess we are stuck here till we find a solution.


@ redhorizon09; I was being retorical.

Not to sound prideful, but I came up with some ideas that will fix this issue. I believe something needs to be done but there still needs to be attributes in some way shape or form, either real time body or what not but like the answers I got.

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Not to be rude but I find attributes a legacy of old gaming that must be past out. I also stated that on my first post. You don't need attributes to RP a character, TW, ME are examples of that.
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Not to be rude but I find attributes a legacy of old gaming that must be past out. I also stated that on my first post. You don't need attributes to RP a character, TW, ME are examples of that.

But those game did not have the ability to get on roof tops nor are they first person, again I think there are other solutions to hide the attributes. Remember in ME (I going off of ME1 not 2) The generalized assumption is you need the numbers to have progress. In ME your character are practically the same strength, speed, and athletic ability. In TW you still have str, and also you also had more skills than you do in ES that helped with the lack of attributes but I think you had 4 in Two Worlds. I just think that attributes need to be present in some shape or way, RPG is not just about role playing it also making your character grow, that how it started. I only want games to be it top potential not miss it, I believe that is fair to push that. I think Strength, athletics, and such can be made invisible via real time body effects. But what about Dex, intelligence, wisdom how are those even conceive what will set me apart from you? Basically what I am saying is there is large margin of error here, just like Fallout you might face the lack of character diversity in terms of roles and ability which with out very good AI personality only applies to the most imaginative person.

I think it possible it can work but you have to have them in in some way some shape. I think your right it is an old idea and it need work but I think it needs to evolve not go away.

Edited by BladeValant546
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Not to be rude but I find attributes a legacy of old gaming that must be past out. I also stated that on my first post. You don't need attributes to RP a character, TW, ME are examples of that.


It's not much different than saying: "RPG genre a legacy of old gaming that must be past out."


One thing i see is that games getting dumber continually and i don't like that.

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Not to be rude but I find attributes a legacy of old gaming that must be past out. I also stated that on my first post. You don't need attributes to RP a character, TW, ME are examples of that.


It's not much different than saying: "RPG genre a legacy of old gaming that must be past out."


One thing i see is that games getting dumber continually and i don't like that.


so why was this necro'd? not like the change will effect the game or the character in the slightest.

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I agree with InuyashaFE, there are probably going to be perks, spells, potions, and magical items that allow you to jump higher, carry more loot, and run faster. I'm sure that by the endgame you will be able to scale buildings and run faster than M'aiq the Liar while carrying 500 pounds of crap on your back.
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I think if you maxed out your strength in Oblivion (atleast if you had OOO) you could run around with 500 pounds of stuff. That's totally insane if you ask me but it does make looting a lot easier.


They will probably have something like packmule or strongback as a perk.

Edited by Katt7777
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