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No attributes? Am I the only one Worried?


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So, not that I disagree that this is very nice, but your saying enhancements via a perk tree makes it into a new skill in its own right?



it is very nice what they did there,.. very nice indeed.. but you oversold it quite a bit there.

They are simply enhancements, and added abilities to what you can already do with the skill.

perks in oblivion did much the same, just without the branching tree's.

I can't understand how 100lbs more carry weight suddenly means I gained a new skill set...


maybe its just the wording you used thats getting to me,... it is indeed more fun stuff to play with, just not in the capacity you sell it.

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-not posting to save space-


So, not that I disagree that this is very nice, but your saying enhancements via a perk tree makes it into a new skill in its own right?




maybe its just the wording you used thats getting to me,... it is indeed more fun stuff to play with, just not in the capacity you sell it.


No... but a blade is different than and axe and a mace

Fire is different from frost or shock

Bound weapons are different from bound creatures

Being a good speaker doesnt make you a good merchant

Being able to pick pockets is different from the technicalities of actually being a thief (needing to carry crap)

Potions are different from poisons which is different than knowing how to handle plants.


Sure.. they are simply bonuses... but in the end that was all leveling a skill in Oblivion or Morrowind was. In Oblivion you outright got perks. In morrowind things had stages in which things got better (like level 50 in any weapon eliminated the "chance" aspect of hitting an enemy.


What I am saying is that like the skills themselves, we are forced WITHIN skills to again focus on a separate sub group. In previous games a destruction guy could cast a lightning bolt without ever doing it before and it would have just as much effect as a flame spell that they use all the time. Reality of it is... you ought to be better with the fire. THEN there is your friend who is simply skilled at destruction in general (the 4th perk tree in destruction allowing lower cost for different level spells) but your fire spell still is more powerful.


They are all individual skill branches. The perks themselves arent necessarily skills. But think morrowind... shortsword vs longsword... now its dagger, longsword and greatsword. And since the PC cant have all perks at once, they truly are unique skills within the skills. I mean, unless its your role, you wouldnt be good at axes and sword perks.


EDIT: And dont forget that each branch of the skill tree has its own progression. You have to unlock the things in front of it in order to use it. And then you need to have a certain level in the overarching skill to use it. And in a semi-confirmed sense, sometimes your will have to actually USE the item you want the perk for in order to unlock the perk (Todd said something a long time ago about using a sword more often than the axe in order to be able to unlock the sword perks... this may have changed by now)


BTW... sorry I tend to type a lot... but that is only because I type fast and I like to elaborate on details so that their isnt a failure in communication.

Edited by Odai
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