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Eragon (book form) ending


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***SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T READ IT YET*** (Should be obvious from the title)


So I finally got around to reading Eragon and was actually disappointed in the end with the battle between Eragon and Durza the Shade.


Does anyone else feel that he won that fight based on a sucker punch? (err.. sucker stab?)



Side note, refrain from talking about the other books please, I haven't read them yet and plan on it. :sweat:

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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Well, yeah, he won merely by lucky chance, seeing as he was vastly less powerful than Durza. What exactly is your point?

Well my personal point is that he won the battle by a sucker punch tactic. I wouldn't exactly call that lucky chance. Lucky chance is if he swung his sword when he slipped and fell back while Durza was trying to thrust and Eragon slashed through his heart. That's chance.


His victory was based on Durza's distraction, and while he wasn't looking, he stabs him. Not a very valiant manuever. But I guess in war, all is fair, eh? Whoever walks away alive is the winner no matter the circumstance I suppose. Not a very honorable way of battle though imo.


I was just wondering if someone else felt differently about it or saw it in a different light.

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Let me ask you this: if you are fighting an opponent who is so much more powerful than you, wouldn't you take any and all opportunities to end the fight as quickly as you can? I see Eragon's final strike as more than luck, he was taking his one chance to defeat a foe he knew was able to destroy him easily and to also save as many lives as he could in the process.
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Let me ask you this: if you are fighting an opponent who is so much more powerful than you, wouldn't you take any and all opportunities to end the fight as quickly as you can? I see Eragon's final strike as more than luck, he was taking his one chance to defeat a foe he knew was able to destroy him easily and to also save as many lives as he could in the process.

Ahh, now that's a good way to look at it. I still can't help but think sucker punch though.


I guess that also brings in the question of what is considered being unhonorable or simply taking advantage of an opportunity, especially since both were already in melee.


The flaming sword magic was pretty cool though. I'm a big fan of flamy swords. :biggrin:


The book and movie were certainly different with that battle though weren't they.

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Books and movies always differ in some respect. I have yet to see a movie that exactly matches detail for detail the book it was based on.

I don't think it would ever be possible for that. too many details in a book.

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I think if they did that, that would be the longest movie ever. Especially if you think about all the detail pointed out at times, you'd end up with absolutely TERRIBLE pacing of a movie.

Well he is talking about the book, not sure it was written with the intent to get a movie deal.


After all the movie kinda fails. The actor in the movie for Eragon doesn't even begin to match the description in the book.

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