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steam suck


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What spyware? Honestly, don't you think that Symantec or the other major antivirus and security companies would have issued some kind of warnings if they found out that steam.exe secretly installs some kind of spyware?


Oh right, they're of course part of the massive conspiracy orchestrated by Valve that aims to bring on the New World Order and install Gabe Newell as the supreme, unquestionable ruler of the world. :rolleyes:



oh, right they just use majic to know exactly where you've been and what sights you visit and somehow just happen to coincidentally advertise the exact things you've been looking at.


continue to live in your bubble and believe nobody is watching you, the goverment is your friend and politicians never lie to you


and just FYI antivirus programs do NOT identify and prevent spyware, they are for virus protection, antispyware programs do but NOT if you have any programs that are "allowed" to do there own thing such as steam which wether you know it or not in order to use you must give it permission to overide certain protections and settings to do what they do in the background so as to go undetected and spyware isnt any good at doing its job if it is easy to detect.


yes steam is no more harmfull then the nosey busybody neighbor next door but i can close the curtains when the nosey neighbor is looking in my windows, with steam you cant




all joking aside i like steam, i wish i had morrowind on it because i lost my morrowind copy again for the 2nd damn time. also steam has some awesome offers 75% off CIV 5 hell yes.

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@ hector530 - i dont mind steam, it isnt that i think its bad or evil, my only real issue with them is the forced content and cookies/spyware that you MUST agree to accept in order to use it and along with that some game FORCE you to use steam or you cant have the game and i dont like being forced to use a third party just to play a game.



Some people won't listen to reason, they will stick to their views no matter how much is put before them which shows their falsehood.


Lt Albrecht this describes you perfectly, have a nice day


oh and dont forget to allow all those cookies :thumbsup:

Edited by webster63
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Yay. An ad hominem. Why do I remain entirely unsurprised? Get some evidence. I don't care if it's circumstantial "I found the official unreal tournament page then refreshed it like 50 times and googled 'unreal tournament' a few times and steam tried to advertise me Id software games when I started it!".


Come on, you've got a hypothesis now either test it or go the way of the hollow earthers.

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Webster63, I'm seriously considering giving you a strike for personal attack. Also, for someone who regularly uses the New Vegas Nexus, you seem surprisingly confused about how Steam works.


This is one of the silliest arguments I've ever seen, locked.

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