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More people?


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I'm looking for a mod that puts more people into the towns and cities ETC. Because there is so much space in the towns and cities but there's not nearly enough people. Can someone make a mod for this? If there is already one can you tell me the name?
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Here are some :










Edit:You can also find a lot more by going to Tesnexus , top 100 , then switching the category to NPC.

Edited by alonsomartinez
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From a realism point of view, the cities need the people. Sadly, they don't have places to put them - no living space!


Most cities had a fixed population, plus an influx of traders and the like on a daily basis. THAT is what *I'd* like to see represented - the queue at the gates when the city opened, and people pouring it to trade and work.


Can't see it happening yet though

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Extended Imperial city, city life ande tamriel travellers adds many more people (in combi with banasplit better cities and crowded roads cyrodiil is made of humans)
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