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[Request] Some mod ideas / requests


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- Farther casting range for Mage / Sorcerer magicks (perhaps all as far as ingle reaches). As it stands, the CPU can cast from any range (as long as it's agro'd), while the player has odd, inconsistent range restrictions on most spells.


- Fixed 'falling bug' after levitating, where, if the drop is deemed enough to 'splat!', even if one levitates a few inches before hitting a ground, they splat! anyway.


- Unlimited or extended levitation. A magician should be able to float as long as their stamina holds out.


- Longer knock-back range on all 'small' enemies for 'Force push'. Currently, the range is too short, making the only 'melee' attack of the Sorcerer a box-breaking attack only.


- Full HP for all bosses. Frankly, DD is easy-peasy. So much so that I capped my character at Lv60, do not use curatives except when flashing red health (and only a single item which I must find, not set out with) and I'm solo-ing the game... on Hard difficulty! Although I do die (perils of 1500HP, no armour etc), but DD is no Dark Souls.


- All enemies vulnerable to all elemental attacks, even if if only slightly. Having certain enemies unaffected by everything but one elemental attack (usually fire), is silly. Made worse when the enemies are revealed to be utter pushovers to their elemental weakness and their "A.I." is laughably dumb.


- Removed jailing in township hubs. I think most will agree that this is an inane mechanic and in-hub transgressions should have instead been punished via fines, timed hub expulsion and / or vendor bans. Crapclown really do make some stupid design decisions...


- Intermittent high wind in all areas of the map. This would make the game more challenging (provided one does not have that 'wind-proof augment' equipped), especially at night, and would also give more of a 'variable weather' feel to proceedings.


- Manual aiming from BnB magick shot for casters. The sticky aim in this game spans annoying, to game-breaking. Not only does it lock onto corpses and creatures hidden at night, it also gives away enemy positions through level geometry. Good one, Crapclown.


...GO!! :devil:

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The health and levitation are the only things that really concern me but other then that they are still great ideas.

I did love to see someone try these things out.


Hinting towards health fcourse :3

Oh and more monsters :3

I cant say it enough randomly generated spawns and more big monsters :3

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