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A Simple but Comprehensive Monster Pack


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Having played Immersive Creatures, Monster Mod Reborn, and the original Monster Mod through many playthroughs, I've gotten bored by the lack of adrenaline I once had upon coming across the creatures of these mods in my adventures. The monsters are no longer surprising to me, and mods like the ones mentioned only seem to add more creatures and required disk space as the main 'meat' of their updates. While I am looking for mods that give my game a dark-fantasy vibe, dogtown's Monster Mod presents creature models that, in my opinionated observations, break immersion too much for me to take combat seriously. Immersive Creatures had that spark of variety in the first several playthroughs, but after a while the encounters become stale and adds no new element to the game's encounter mechanics.


I would like to see a monster pack whose creatures respond to the follow events:




Rather than just having corpses disappear into thin air, why not entertain a little backstory to their removal? So when you either (1) kill a humanoid/mammal or (2) come across a fresh corpse, there is a chance a creature will spawn nearby who will rush at the scene to devour the dead corpses. If it senses you within the vicinity of the corpse(s), the scavenger will try to ambush you with the intention of killing you. A flight or fight situation, you can either fend off the fast creature or run away; if you choose to run away, it will chase you for only a short time before running back to the source of death to clean up the corpses in the given area and ultimately disappear (that is, if you are fast enough to out-run it). If you decide to fight it, prepare for many cheap and deadly swipes as it is a very agile and relentless creature. Excluding cities, these creatures will make their appearance in forests, roads, snowlands, small towns and abandoned areas.


I think this event adds an additional element of fear and surprise when in combat, since you have a sense of uneasiness even after killing your foe.


For the models in question, I would models that make use of the existing models in the vanilla game. Here are several concept pictures that I hope will assist in the creation of the models.


1. A draugr-falmer hybrid: I think the body of the falmer and facial model of the draugr would make great candidates for the creature for this event. For animations I can imagine heavy use of falmer, draugr, werewolf(the feeding animation), and possibly gargoyle resources.


A savage posture.



Glowing eyes that pierce at you! An ear-splitting scream!



Blinding speed!


Notable references: The girl ghost from The Grudge movies.


2. Small and feral aerial creature: apart from dragons, there aren't really any other threats in the sky. The alternative to the first beast could be a small bat-like creature that really tests the timing and dexterity of your aim. Another agile and aggressive monster, it will attack you by flying within a small radius around you. It can perhaps shoot projectiles of venemous spit. The easiest class to deal with this would probably be mages, as they can just spray-and-pray their spells at it while it flies swiftly around you. This creature can be practice for archers in shooting at fast moving targets, and, for swordsmen, practice the timing of their strikes.


I do not have a particular model in mind but I think this image resonates well:




Rain Storms


Perhaps during storms certain creatures have a chance of spawning around you. Here are a few references I think will suit well for this event:




The black shuck of English folklore, according to some references, is said to be a vicious bringer of omens, in which witnesses experience events of lightning, thunder, darkness, and hailing upon setting eyes on the beast. Wolf and hell-hound models will prove useful in this.




Perhaps an aquatic-humanoid like this scary looking naiad can roam about on rainy days?


Similar approaches can be made to snow storms, dust storms, etc.




I can't think of any models, but creatures that use illusion and alteration mechanics would fit well into this scenario.

Edited by lstfresh
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